A Squirrel’s World
Picture this - you're sipping coffee, chilling on a park bench, in the lobby at church or waiting in line at the store when you catch two gals deep in conversation.
Want in on the fun? You're invited to eavesdrop as we spill the tea on real-life tales, life lessons, and those hilarious 'squirrel moments' - you know, when your train of thought takes a crazy detour!
Get ready for a virtual hangout bursting with giggles and good vibes. We might stray off track (blame those pesky 'squirrel moments'), but we promise you'll enjoy the ride. From kiddos to relationships, Jesus, and hot topics, nothing's off-limits in our chatty corner of the internet.
A Squirrel’s World
Christmas Eve With The Squirrels
Are you ready to slow down this Christmas Eve and refocus amidst all the chaos this season can bring?
Wherever you find yourself this Christmas Eve, both practically and proverbially, The Squirrels are here to bring you a calm Christmas Eve special episode that will be sure to get you ready for the big day tomorrow!
We truly wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing this season with us.