A Squirrel’s World
Picture this - you're sipping coffee, chilling on a park bench, in the lobby at church or waiting in line at the store when you catch two gals deep in conversation.
Want in on the fun? You're invited to eavesdrop as we spill the tea on real-life tales, life lessons, and those hilarious 'squirrel moments' - you know, when your train of thought takes a crazy detour!
Get ready for a virtual hangout bursting with giggles and good vibes. We might stray off track (blame those pesky 'squirrel moments'), but we promise you'll enjoy the ride. From kiddos to relationships, Jesus, and hot topics, nothing's off-limits in our chatty corner of the internet.
A Squirrel’s World
Sorry, Not Sorry
So we have to apologize...we are so sorry...
Join the Squirrels today as they talk through over-apologizing, when it's appropriate to say you are sorry, and what the Bible has to say about apologizing.
Do you struggle with saying "sorry" when it isn't necessary? Or are you on the opposite end of the spectrum and find it difficult to apologize when you are wrong? Should we force our kids to apologize to teach them how to apologize correctly or does 'making them' apologize lessen the value of the apology?
This episode provides insight into the ramifications of over-apologizing and not apologizing when it may be necessary.
Taking references from the book 'The Power of Apology' by Beverly Engel, April and Carly have fun with a back and forth conversation about the psychology behind over-apologizing and the true intentions behind apologizing.
Scripture References:
Proverbs 12:25
Proverbs 18:21
Proverbs 19:11
Micah 7:18-19
Matthew 6:14-15
Ephesians 4:32
Colossians 3:13
Nut of the day:
QTIP- quit taking it personally
Other References:
Google Chrome Just Not Sorry Extension Download
Leaving you with this thought...
Do you think there needs to be an apology in order for forgiveness to be extended?